Friday, 14 August 2020


Microsoft word is a word processing application program. Word processing is a complete operation to the word like printing, publishing and reporting. This program is developed by Microsoft cooperation. We can prepare letter, document, bio-data, personal letters, different application and other in this program.


·        Text editing and publishing document
·        Check spelling and grammar of document
·        Formatting and editing document
·        Create documents, save, open and close, etc.

Screen parts of MS-Word 2007
1.     Title bar
2.     Menu bar
3.     Horizontal ruler
4.     Vertical ruler
5.     Horizontal scrollbar
6.     Vertical scrollbar
7.     Status bar
8.     Minimize
9.     Restore/ maximize
10.    Close

Short cut Keys
Select all text
Bold the selected text
Copy the selected text
To open fonts dialog box
Text center align
To open find dialog box
To open go to dialog box
To open replace dialog box
To make Italic font
To make text justify
Align to left text
To open new document
Task pane
To open save document
Rignt align text
Underline the selected text
To increase font size of selected text
To decrease font size of selected text
All letter capital
Double underline
Single space line
Double space line
Print preview
Permanently Delete
Split the document
Remove split the document
Close file
Program close
Inssert date
Paste format
Shift+ Ctrl+W
Only word underline
Save as
Lower or higher fonts

·        Open Microsoft Word 2007
Step-1: Click on Start button.
Step-2: Click all programs.
Step-3: Click Microsoft office 2007.
Step-4: Click on MS-Word 2007.
Step-1: Click on start button.
Step-2: Click on Run.
Step-3: Type winword in run command place.
Step-4: Click on ok or press enter by keyboard.

Ø Close MS-Word (Alt+F4)
Step-1: Right click on task bar of button
Step-2: Click on close
Step-1: Click on close button title bar of Program

Ø Save (Ctrl+S)

This submenu is used to save new document.
Step-1: Click on office button.
Step-2: Click on save.
Step-3: Save dialog box will appear.
Step-4: Select the location from the save in box, where we want to save.
Step-5: Give the file name and click on save.

Ø Save as (F12)

This submenu is used to save the particular file in same name, different location or different name in same location.
Step-1: Click on file menu.
Step-2: Click on save.
Step-3: Save as dialog box will appear.
Step-4: Select the location from the save in box, where we want to save.
Step-5: Give the file name and click on save.                                    

Ø Print (Ctrl+P)

It is used to take print in the paper, make the printer active and put paper.
Step-1: First of all, set up your page.
Step-2: Click on office button.
Step-3: Click on print.
Step-4: Print dialog box will appear.
Step-5: Select the printer name and choose current, all, pages, which we want.
Step-6: Click on ok.

Ø Print preview (Ctrl+F2)
This submenu is used to view the printing style before printing the pages.
Step-1: Click on office button.
Step-2: Click on print preview.
Step-3: Click on close button.

Q. No. 1. Write steps to print 8 copies of a document.
Step-1: Open the document file.
Step-2: Click on office button.
Step-3: Click on print.
Step-4: Print dialog box will appear.
Step-5: Choose the name of printer.
Step-6: Click on number of copy and input 8 on it.
Step-7: Click on ok button.

Home Menu

i.       Font (Ctrl+D)
To change the font, font size, superscript, subscript, character spacing, animation, etc.

Font (Ctrl+Shift+F)

To change the font style.
a)     Font size (Ctrl+Shift+>): To change the font size.
b)    Grow font: To increase the font size.
c)     Shrink font: To decrease the font size.
d)    Clear formatting: Remove the formatting document in a clearing style.
e)     Bold (Ctrl+B): To make the selected text bold.
f)      Italic (Ctrl+I): To make italicise the selected text.
g)    Underline (Ctrl+U): To underline the selected text.
h)    Strikethrough: Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
i)       Subscript: To create small letters below the text base line.
j)       Superscript: To create small letters above the line of text.
k)    Change case: Change all the selected case to upper case & lower case.
l)       Highlight color: Make a highlighter pen.
m)  Font color: Change the selected text color.

ii) Paragraph

It is used to maintain the paragraph in standard form.
a)     Bullet: Give the signals of line to the selected paragraph.
b)    Number: Give the signals of line to the selected paragraph.
c)     Multi-level list: It is used to put the multiple bullet list.
d)    Decrease indent: Decrease the indent level of paragraph
e)     Increase indent: Increase the indent of paragraph.
f)      Sort: Ascending or Descending order.
g)    Show or hide (Ctrl+*): Space, tab and paragraph signal showing or hiding.
h)    Left alignment (Ctrl+L): Putting the text in left side.
i)       Central alignment (Ctrl+E): Putting the text in center.
j)       Right alignment (Ctrl+R): Putting the text in right side.
k)    Line space: give the line space of selected paragraph.
l)       Shading: Color the background behind the selected text or paragraph.
m)  Outline: Customize the boarder of selected text or cell.

iii) Styles (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S)

Change style: Change the set of style, colors and fonts used in the document.

iv) Editing

Find: Find the text of document.
Step 1: Click on find from home menu.
Step 2: Click on find what box and give the required text.
Step 3: Click on find next button.

v) Go to (Ctrl+G)
It is use to go to required page number/ link/ bookmarks, etc.
Step 1: Click on go to from home menu.
Step 2: Click on line or page.
Step 3: Give the line number or page number as you need.
Step 4: Click on ok.

Insert Menu

Ø Page: To create the different document.
1.     Cover page: It is used to fully formatting cover page.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on cover page.
Step 3: Choose the necessary and required cover page, if we get.

2.     Blank page: It is used to insert the new document.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on blank page.

3.     Page Break (Ctrl+Return): This submenu is used to divide the document text in many pages.
Step 1: Place the cursor where we want to go.
Step 2: Click on break from submenu.
Step 3: Click on ok.

Ø Tables: Insert or draw a table in the document.
1.     Insert Tables: To insert table.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click insert table.
Step 3: Give the number of rows and columns as per required.
Step 4: Click on ok.

2.     Draw table: To draw a table as you like
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on draw table.
Now we can draw the table as we need.
3.     Merge cells: To combine the contents of selected adjacent cells into a single cell.
Step 1: Select the cells which want to merge.
Step 2: In the layout menu, click merge cells submenu.

4.     Split cells: To split the selected cells into the number of rows and column.
Step 1: Select the cells.
Step 2: In the layout menu click split cells.
Step 3: Split cells dialog box will appear.
Step 4: Input the numbers of rows and column.

5.     Excel spreadsheet: Insert Microsoft excels worksheet.
Step 1: Click on table.
Step 2: Click on excel spreadsheet.

6.     Quick tables: Here are many types of table format, if we want to use recently, we can use this submenu.
Step 1: Click on quick tables.
Step 2: Choose the necessary table format.

Ø Illustrations

1.     Picture: Insert the picture from the file.
Step 1: Click on insert menu and point to picture.
Step 2: Click on from file.
Step 3: Give the location of picture file.
Step 4: Choose a file.
Step 5: After choosing, click on insert menu.

2.     Clip art: To insert the picture from clip gallery.
Step 1: Point to picture from insert menu.
Step 2: Click on clip art.
Step 3: Type the picture name.
Step 4: Click on go button.

3.     Shapes: Insert readymade shapes like rectangle, circles, arrows, etc.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on shapes.
Step 3: Choose the required shape styles.

4.     Chart: It is used to present our data in chart format.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on chart.
Step 3: Delete existing data
Step 4: Type new data.

5.     Smart art: There are many types of chart available in smart art.
Step 1: Click on insert menu
Step 2: Click on smart art and choose any one chart option.

Ø Header and footer

1.     Header: To edit the header of the document.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on header.
Step 3: Type your header text.
Step 4: If you want to keep time or date or page number in header click on required button.
Step 5: After typing click on close button.

2.     Footer: To edit the footer of the document.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on footer.
Step 3: Type your footer text
Step 4: If you want to keep time or date or page number in footer. Click on required button.
Step 5: After typing click on close button.

3.     Page number: To keep page number in the document.
Step 1: Click on page number from insert menu.
Step 2: Click on format button.
Step 3: Choose the page number style.
Step 4: After choosing click on ok twice.

Ø Text

1.     Object: Inserting the object from another application.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on object.
Step 3: Choose a program name from the list.
Step 4: Click on ok.
Step 5: Then make your figure or object as you need.
Step 6: After making the object click on out of the object area.

2.     Text from file: To insert another file.
Place the cursor where you want to insert
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on text from file.
Step 3: Click file name.
Step 4: Click on Ok.

3.     Word Art: Insert a decorative text in our document.
Step 1: Click on word art from insert menu.
Step 2: Choose an art style and click on ok.
Step 3: Type your text and set the font, font size and style of letter.
Step 4: Click on ok.

4.  Drop cap: Create a large capital letter at the beginning of the paragraph. (Capitalized the first letter of paragraph.)
Step 1: Place the cursor in required paragraph.
Step 2: Click on drop cap from insert menu.
Step 3: Click on dropped or in margin.
Step 4: Set the distance from test as required.
Step 5: After setting click on ok.
Step 6: To remove drop cap, click on none.

5.     Signature line:  Insert a signature line that specifies the individual who must sign.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on text.
Step 3: Click on signature.

6.     Date and time: Insert the current data or time into the document.
Step 1: Place the cursor where you want to insert.
Step 2: Click on date and time from insert menu.
Step 3: Choose the style of data from the style list.
Step 4: Click on ok.

Ø Symbols

1.     Equation: It is used to make mathematical formula.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on equation
Step 3: New dialog box will appear.
Step 4: Click on ok.

2.     Symbols: It is used to insert symbols which are not in keyboard.
Step 1: Place the cursor in required field.
Step 2: Click on insert menu.
Step 3: Click on symbol.
Step 4: Choose the symbol category.
Step 5: Click on required symbol.
Step 6: Click on insert button.

Page layout menu

Ø Themes: To change the overall design of the document including colors, fonts and effect.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 1: Click on sub menu.
Step 1: Choose color, font and effect to change them.

Ø Page set up

1.     Margin: Select the margin sizes for document or the current section
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on page set up.
Step 3: Choose margin.
Step 4: Set the value of margin. (left, right, top, bottom).

2.     Orientation: Switch the pager between portrait and landscape layout.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on page set up.
Step 3: Choose orientation.
Step 4: Choose portrait or landscape as you need.

3.     Size: Choose a paper size for the current section.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on page set.
Step 3: Choose size.
Step 4: Give the required paper size.

4.     Columns: Splits text into two or more columns.
Step 1: Select your text.
Step 2: Click on column from format menu.
Step 3: Set the number of columns as you need.
Step 4: Set the column spacing as you need.
Step 5: Click on ok.
Step 6: For removing the column, click on columns.
Step 7: Click on one and ok.

5.     Break: This sub menu is used to divide the document in many pages.
Step 1: Place the cursor where you to break.
Step 2: Click on break from page layout menu.
Step 3: Click on ok.

6.     Line number: Add line number margin alone side of each of the document.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on line numbers.
Step 3: Choose the necessary line number style.

7.     Hyphenation: Turn on hyphenation, which allows words to break lines between syllables of words.
Step 1: Highlight the paragraph.
Step 2: Click on page layout.
Step 3: Click on hyphenation.

Ø Page Background

1.     Watermark: Insert ghosted text behind content of the page.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on water mark.
Step 3: Choose water mark style and write the text of water mark, if you
want to put picture. Click on custom water mark.
Step 4: Choose picture and click on apply and ok.
Step 5: If you want to remove water mark click on remove water mark button.

2.     Page color: choose the color for the background of the page.
Step 1: Click on page background.
Step 2: Click on page color.
Step 3: Choose necessary column.

3.     Pager borders: Use to keep text border, page border and set the set shadow.
Step 1: Select your required text.
Step 2: Click on borders tap and choose a border style from the list.
Step 3: Click on ok.
Step 4: To remove the border click on none.

Ø Paragraph: It is used to maintain the paragraph in standard form.

1.     Indent: Move in left and right side of the paragraph by certain amount.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on paragraph.
Step 3: Choose indent.
Step 4: Give the value and click on ok.

2.     Spacing
Before: change the spacing between paragraph by adding space above the selected paragraph.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on paragraph.
Step 3: Give the value of before spacing.

After: Change the spacing between paragraph by adding space after the selected paragraph.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on paragraph.
Step 3: Give the value of before spacing.

Reference menu

Ø Table of contents:
1.     Table of contents: This sub-menu is to add the table content to the document.
Step 1: First type the table of content.
Step 2: Change the styles.
Step 3: Fixed the cursor and click on the table of content.
Step 4: Chose any one table of content.

2.     Add text: Use to add the current paragraph.
Step 1: Click on add text.
Step 2: Choose an y one level.

3.     Update table: Update the content of table.
Step 1: Click on reference.
Step 2: Click on update table

Ø Foot notes: To keep footnotes text in our documents.
Step 1: Place the cursor where you want to keep.
Step 2: Click on footnotes on references menu.
Step 3: Click on symbol from insert menu.
Step 4: After choosing click on ok.
Step 5: Type your footnote text as you like.

Ø Citations and Bibliography

1.     Insert citation: This sub-menu is used to insert book author name, data etc.
Step 1: Click on references menu.
Step 2: Click on insert citation.
Step 3: Choose new source.
Step 4: Give all option and click on ok.
2.     Manage source: View the list of all the source, citied in the documents.
Step 1: Click on references menu.
Step 2: Click an manage source.
Step 3: We can see the dialogue box.

3.     Style: Choose the style of citation in the document.

4.     Bibliography: This sub menu is use to add a bibliography which list all the sources cited in the document.
Step 1: Click on references menu.
Step 2: Click on bibliography.
Step 3: Click on insert.

Ø Caption
1.     Insert caption: This sub menu is use to insert caption of the picture.
Step 1: Select the required picture.
Step 2: Go to caption from references menu.
Step 3: Choose insert caption.
Step 4: Give the caption name and click on ok.

2.     Insert Table of figure: Use to insert or figure in the document.
Step 1: Select the reference menu.
Step 2: Choose caption.
Step 3: Set the table content name and line style.

Ø Mailing Menu

1.     Create
Envelopes and labels: it is use to print sender and receivers address in the envelopes.
Step 1: Click on envelopes and labels from tool menu.
Step 2: Type your delivery address and return address in required box.
Step 3: Click on option button (Incase if you want to change font color).
Step 4: Apply the formal style
Step 5: Click on ok.
Step 6: Click on add to document.

2.     Start mail merge: Use to send the same message in many address
Step 1: Type of letter.
Step 2: Click on mail merge from tools menu.
Step 3: Click on next starting document.
Step 4: Click on next select recipients.
Step 5: Click on type on new list.
Step 6: Click on create.
Step 7: Click on customize bottom (if you want to delete any field).
Step 8: Click on add bottom (if you want to add new field).
Step 9: Click on ok.
Step 10: Then field of the data such as name, address, title etc.
Step 11: After filling the data, click on close bottom.
Step 12: Give the file and click on save.
Step 13: Click on next, write your letter.
Step 14: Fix the cursor require area and click on more item.

Ø Review menu
a)    Proofing
1.     Spelling and grammar: Check the spelling and grammar of text in the document
Step 1: Make your document.
Step 2: Click on spelling and grammar from choose menu.
Step 3: Choose the word from suggestion box.
Step 4: To change the word, choose a word and click on change.
Step 5: To cancel the correction click on ignore bottom.

2.     Research: we can see the meaning, synonyms and antonyms of the require word.
Step 1: Click on research
Step 2: Type the word and click on search
Step 3: Click on word

Avisek Shrestha

Author & Editor

Student | ...............................................................................................................


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