Microsoft word is a word processing application program. Word processing is a complete operation to the word like printing, publishing and reporting. This program is developed by Microsoft cooperation. We can prepare letter, document, bio-data, personal letters, different application and other in this program.
· Text editing and publishing document
· Check spelling and grammar of document
· Formatting and editing document
· Create documents, save, open and close, etc.
Screen parts of MS-Word 2007
1. Title bar
2. Menu bar
3. Horizontal ruler
4. Vertical ruler
5. Horizontal scrollbar
6. Vertical scrollbar
7. Status bar
8. Minimize
9. Restore/ maximize
10. Close
Short cut Keys
Keys | Function |
Ctrl+A | Select all text |
Ctrl+B | Bold the selected text |
Ctrl+C | Copy the selected text |
Ctrl+D | To open fonts dialog box |
Ctrl+E | Text center align |
Ctrl+F | To open find dialog box |
Ctrl+G | To open go to dialog box |
Ctrl+H | To open replace dialog box |
Ctrl+I | To make Italic font |
Ctrl+J | To make text justify |
Ctrl+L | Align to left text |
Ctrl+N | To open new document |
ESC | Cancel |
Ctrl+F1 | Task pane |
F7 | Proofing |
Ctrl+P | Print |
Ctrl+O | To open save document |
Ctrl+R | Rignt align text |
Ctrl+S | Save |
Ctrl+U | Underline the selected text |
Ctrl+shift+> | To increase font size of selected text |
Ctrl+shift+< | To decrease font size of selected text |
Ctrl+shift+A | All letter capital |
Ctrl+shift+D | Double underline |
Ctrl+1 | Single space line |
Ctrl+2 | Double space line |
Ctrl+Alt+1 | Print preview |
Shift+Del | Permanently Delete |
Ctrl+Alt+S | Split the document |
Ctrl+Alt+C | Remove split the document |
Ctrl+V | Paste |
Ctrl+W | Close file |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Y | Redo |
F1 | Help |
Alt+F4 | Program close |
Shift+Ctrl+D | Inssert date |
Shift+Ctrl+V | Paste format |
Shift+ Ctrl+W | Only word underline |
F12 | Save as |
Shift+F3 | Lower or higher fonts |
Ctrl+X | Cut |
· Open Microsoft Word 2007
Step-1: Click on Start button.
Step-2: Click all programs.
Step-3: Click Microsoft office 2007.
Step-4: Click on MS-Word 2007.
Step-1: Click on start button.
Step-2: Click on Run.
Step-3: Type winword in run command place.
Step-4: Click on ok or press enter by keyboard.
Ø Close MS-Word (Alt+F4)
Step-1: Right click on task bar of button
Step-2: Click on close
Step-1: Click on close button title bar of Program
Ø Save (Ctrl+S)
This submenu is used to save new document.
Step-1: Click on office button.
Step-2: Click on save.
Step-3: Save dialog box will appear.
Step-4: Select the location from the save in box, where we want to save.
Step-5: Give the file name and click on save.
Ø Save as (F12)
This submenu is used to save the particular file in same name, different location or different name in same location.
Step-1: Click on file menu.
Step-2: Click on save.
Step-3: Save as dialog box will appear.
Step-4: Select the location from the save in box, where we want to save.
Step-5: Give the file name and click on save.
Ø Print (Ctrl+P)
It is used to take print in the paper, make the printer active and put paper.
Step-1: First of all, set up your page.
Step-2: Click on office button.
Step-3: Click on print.
Step-4: Print dialog box will appear.
Step-5: Select the printer name and choose current, all, pages, which we want.
Step-6: Click on ok.
Ø Print preview (Ctrl+F2)
This submenu is used to view the printing style before printing the pages.
Step-1: Click on office button.
Step-2: Click on print preview.
Step-3: Click on close button.
Q. No. 1. Write steps to print 8 copies of a document.
Step-1: Open the document file.
Step-2: Click on office button.
Step-3: Click on print.
Step-4: Print dialog box will appear.
Step-5: Choose the name of printer.
Step-6: Click on number of copy and input 8 on it.
Step-7: Click on ok button.
Home Menu
i. Font (Ctrl+D)
To change the font, font size, superscript, subscript, character spacing, animation, etc.
Font (Ctrl+Shift+F)
To change the font style.
a) Font size (Ctrl+Shift+>): To change the font size.
b) Grow font: To increase the font size.
c) Shrink font: To decrease the font size.
d) Clear formatting: Remove the formatting document in a clearing style.
e) Bold (Ctrl+B): To make the selected text bold.
f) Italic (Ctrl+I): To make italicise the selected text.
g) Underline (Ctrl+U): To underline the selected text.
h) Strikethrough: Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
i) Subscript: To create small letters below the text base line.
j) Superscript: To create small letters above the line of text.
k) Change case: Change all the selected case to upper case & lower case.
l) Highlight color: Make a highlighter pen.
m) Font color: Change the selected text color.
ii) Paragraph
It is used to maintain the paragraph in standard form.
a) Bullet: Give the signals of line to the selected paragraph.
b) Number: Give the signals of line to the selected paragraph.
c) Multi-level list: It is used to put the multiple bullet list.
d) Decrease indent: Decrease the indent level of paragraph
e) Increase indent: Increase the indent of paragraph.
f) Sort: Ascending or Descending order.
g) Show or hide (Ctrl+*): Space, tab and paragraph signal showing or hiding.
h) Left alignment (Ctrl+L): Putting the text in left side.
i) Central alignment (Ctrl+E): Putting the text in center.
j) Right alignment (Ctrl+R): Putting the text in right side.
k) Line space: give the line space of selected paragraph.
l) Shading: Color the background behind the selected text or paragraph.
m) Outline: Customize the boarder of selected text or cell.
iii) Styles (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S)
Change style: Change the set of style, colors and fonts used in the document.
iv) Editing
Find: Find the text of document.
Step 1: Click on find from home menu.
Step 2: Click on find what box and give the required text.
Step 3: Click on find next button.
v) Go to (Ctrl+G)
It is use to go to required page number/ link/ bookmarks, etc.
Step 1: Click on go to from home menu.
Step 2: Click on line or page.
Step 3: Give the line number or page number as you need.
Step 4: Click on ok.
Insert Menu
Ø Page: To create the different document.
1. Cover page: It is used to fully formatting cover page.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on cover page.
Step 3: Choose the necessary and required cover page, if we get.
2. Blank page: It is used to insert the new document.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on blank page.
3. Page Break (Ctrl+Return): This submenu is used to divide the document text in many pages.
Step 1: Place the cursor where we want to go.
Step 2: Click on break from submenu.
Step 3: Click on ok.
Ø Tables: Insert or draw a table in the document.
1. Insert Tables: To insert table.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click insert table.
Step 3: Give the number of rows and columns as per required.
Step 4: Click on ok.
2. Draw table: To draw a table as you like
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on draw table.
Now we can draw the table as we need.
3. Merge cells: To combine the contents of selected adjacent cells into a single cell.
Step 1: Select the cells which want to merge.
Step 2: In the layout menu, click merge cells submenu.
4. Split cells: To split the selected cells into the number of rows and column.
Step 1: Select the cells.
Step 2: In the layout menu click split cells.
Step 3: Split cells dialog box will appear.
Step 4: Input the numbers of rows and column.
5. Excel spreadsheet: Insert Microsoft excels worksheet.
Step 1: Click on table.
Step 2: Click on excel spreadsheet.
6. Quick tables: Here are many types of table format, if we want to use recently, we can use this submenu.
Step 1: Click on quick tables.
Step 2: Choose the necessary table format.
Ø Illustrations
1. Picture: Insert the picture from the file.
Step 1: Click on insert menu and point to picture.
Step 2: Click on from file.
Step 3: Give the location of picture file.
Step 4: Choose a file.
Step 5: After choosing, click on insert menu.
2. Clip art: To insert the picture from clip gallery.
Step 1: Point to picture from insert menu.
Step 2: Click on clip art.
Step 3: Type the picture name.
Step 4: Click on go button.
3. Shapes: Insert readymade shapes like rectangle, circles, arrows, etc.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on shapes.
Step 3: Choose the required shape styles.
4. Chart: It is used to present our data in chart format.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on chart.
Step 3: Delete existing data
Step 4: Type new data.
5. Smart art: There are many types of chart available in smart art.
Step 1: Click on insert menu
Step 2: Click on smart art and choose any one chart option.
Ø Header and footer
1. Header: To edit the header of the document.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on header.
Step 3: Type your header text.
Step 4: If you want to keep time or date or page number in header click on required button.
Step 5: After typing click on close button.
2. Footer: To edit the footer of the document.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on footer.
Step 3: Type your footer text
Step 4: If you want to keep time or date or page number in footer. Click on required button.
Step 5: After typing click on close button.
3. Page number: To keep page number in the document.
Step 1: Click on page number from insert menu.
Step 2: Click on format button.
Step 3: Choose the page number style.
Step 4: After choosing click on ok twice.
Ø Text
1. Object: Inserting the object from another application.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on object.
Step 3: Choose a program name from the list.
Step 4: Click on ok.
Step 5: Then make your figure or object as you need.
Step 6: After making the object click on out of the object area.
2. Text from file: To insert another file.
Place the cursor where you want to insert
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on text from file.
Step 3: Click file name.
Step 4: Click on Ok.
3. Word Art: Insert a decorative text in our document.
Step 1: Click on word art from insert menu.
Step 2: Choose an art style and click on ok.
Step 3: Type your text and set the font, font size and style of letter.
Step 4: Click on ok.
4. Drop cap: Create a large capital letter at the beginning of the paragraph. (Capitalized the first letter of paragraph.)
Step 1: Place the cursor in required paragraph.
Step 2: Click on drop cap from insert menu.
Step 3: Click on dropped or in margin.
Step 4: Set the distance from test as required.
Step 5: After setting click on ok.
Step 6: To remove drop cap, click on none.
5. Signature line: Insert a signature line that specifies the individual who must sign.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on text.
Step 3: Click on signature.
6. Date and time: Insert the current data or time into the document.
Step 1: Place the cursor where you want to insert.
Step 2: Click on date and time from insert menu.
Step 3: Choose the style of data from the style list.
Step 4: Click on ok.
Ø Symbols
1. Equation: It is used to make mathematical formula.
Step 1: Click on insert menu.
Step 2: Click on equation
Step 3: New dialog box will appear.
Step 4: Click on ok.
2. Symbols: It is used to insert symbols which are not in keyboard.
Step 1: Place the cursor in required field.
Step 2: Click on insert menu.
Step 3: Click on symbol.
Step 4: Choose the symbol category.
Step 5: Click on required symbol.
Step 6: Click on insert button.
Page layout menu
Ø Themes: To change the overall design of the document including colors, fonts and effect.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 1: Click on sub menu.
Step 1: Choose color, font and effect to change them.
Ø Page set up
1. Margin: Select the margin sizes for document or the current section
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on page set up.
Step 3: Choose margin.
Step 4: Set the value of margin. (left, right, top, bottom).
2. Orientation: Switch the pager between portrait and landscape layout.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on page set up.
Step 3: Choose orientation.
Step 4: Choose portrait or landscape as you need.
3. Size: Choose a paper size for the current section.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on page set.
Step 3: Choose size.
Step 4: Give the required paper size.
4. Columns: Splits text into two or more columns.
Step 1: Select your text.
Step 2: Click on column from format menu.
Step 3: Set the number of columns as you need.
Step 4: Set the column spacing as you need.
Step 5: Click on ok.
Step 6: For removing the column, click on columns.
Step 7: Click on one and ok.
5. Break: This sub menu is used to divide the document in many pages.
Step 1: Place the cursor where you to break.
Step 2: Click on break from page layout menu.
Step 3: Click on ok.
6. Line number: Add line number margin alone side of each of the document.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on line numbers.
Step 3: Choose the necessary line number style.
7. Hyphenation: Turn on hyphenation, which allows words to break lines between syllables of words.
Step 1: Highlight the paragraph.
Step 2: Click on page layout.
Step 3: Click on hyphenation.
Ø Page Background
1. Watermark: Insert ghosted text behind content of the page.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on water mark.
Step 3: Choose water mark style and write the text of water mark, if you
want to put picture. Click on custom water mark.
Step 4: Choose picture and click on apply and ok.
Step 5: If you want to remove water mark click on remove water mark button.
2. Page color: choose the color for the background of the page.
Step 1: Click on page background.
Step 2: Click on page color.
Step 3: Choose necessary column.
3. Pager borders: Use to keep text border, page border and set the set shadow.
Step 1: Select your required text.
Step 2: Click on borders tap and choose a border style from the list.
Step 3: Click on ok.
Step 4: To remove the border click on none.
Ø Paragraph: It is used to maintain the paragraph in standard form.
1. Indent: Move in left and right side of the paragraph by certain amount.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on paragraph.
Step 3: Choose indent.
Step 4: Give the value and click on ok.
2. Spacing
Before: change the spacing between paragraph by adding space above the selected paragraph.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on paragraph.
Step 3: Give the value of before spacing.
After: Change the spacing between paragraph by adding space after the selected paragraph.
Step 1: Click on page layout menu.
Step 2: Click on paragraph.
Step 3: Give the value of before spacing.
Reference menu
Ø Table of contents:
1. Table of contents: This sub-menu is to add the table content to the document.
Step 1: First type the table of content.
Step 2: Change the styles.
Step 3: Fixed the cursor and click on the table of content.
Step 4: Chose any one table of content.
2. Add text: Use to add the current paragraph.
Step 1: Click on add text.
Step 2: Choose an y one level.
3. Update table: Update the content of table.
Step 1: Click on reference.
Step 2: Click on update table
Ø Foot notes: To keep footnotes text in our documents.
Step 1: Place the cursor where you want to keep.
Step 2: Click on footnotes on references menu.
Step 3: Click on symbol from insert menu.
Step 4: After choosing click on ok.
Step 5: Type your footnote text as you like.
Ø Citations and Bibliography
1. Insert citation: This sub-menu is used to insert book author name, data etc.
Step 1: Click on references menu.
Step 2: Click on insert citation.
Step 3: Choose new source.
Step 4: Give all option and click on ok.
2. Manage source: View the list of all the source, citied in the documents.
Step 1: Click on references menu.
Step 2: Click an manage source.
Step 3: We can see the dialogue box.
3. Style: Choose the style of citation in the document.
4. Bibliography: This sub menu is use to add a bibliography which list all the sources cited in the document.
Step 1: Click on references menu.
Step 2: Click on bibliography.
Step 3: Click on insert.
Ø Caption
1. Insert caption: This sub menu is use to insert caption of the picture.
Step 1: Select the required picture.
Step 2: Go to caption from references menu.
Step 3: Choose insert caption.
Step 4: Give the caption name and click on ok.
2. Insert Table of figure: Use to insert or figure in the document.
Step 1: Select the reference menu.
Step 2: Choose caption.
Step 3: Set the table content name and line style.
Ø Mailing Menu
1. Create
Envelopes and labels: it is use to print sender and receivers address in the envelopes.
Step 1: Click on envelopes and labels from tool menu.
Step 2: Type your delivery address and return address in required box.
Step 3: Click on option button (Incase if you want to change font color).
Step 4: Apply the formal style
Step 5: Click on ok.
Step 6: Click on add to document.
2. Start mail merge: Use to send the same message in many address
Step 1: Type of letter.
Step 2: Click on mail merge from tools menu.
Step 3: Click on next starting document.
Step 4: Click on next select recipients.
Step 5: Click on type on new list.
Step 6: Click on create.
Step 7: Click on customize bottom (if you want to delete any field).
Step 8: Click on add bottom (if you want to add new field).
Step 9: Click on ok.
Step 10: Then field of the data such as name, address, title etc.
Step 11: After filling the data, click on close bottom.
Step 12: Give the file and click on save.
Step 13: Click on next, write your letter.
Step 14: Fix the cursor require area and click on more item.
Ø Review menu
a) Proofing
1. Spelling and grammar: Check the spelling and grammar of text in the document
Step 1: Make your document.
Step 2: Click on spelling and grammar from choose menu.
Step 3: Choose the word from suggestion box.
Step 4: To change the word, choose a word and click on change.
Step 5: To cancel the correction click on ignore bottom.
2. Research: we can see the meaning, synonyms and antonyms of the require word.
Step 1: Click on research
Step 2: Type the word and click on search
Step 3: Click on word
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